SAW DOCTORS- Songs From Sunstreet
The fourth Saw Doctors studio album, "Songs From Sun Street", began to fall together in the Spring of 1997, over innumerable cups of tea in Kenny Ralphs Studio in Sun Street in Tuam, Co. Galway. Writing and recording with Padraig Stevens, one of the founding members of the band back in 1988, the Saw Doctors produced about twenty bits and pieces on a demo tape, which got a critical airing on the tour bus during the USA tour in April/May '97. During the course of some 30 shows across America, the rifts, half verses, and tunes were twisted and turned each night in front of a live audience. In between five subsequent visits to North America to promote the compilation record, "Sing A Powerful Song", the Saw Doctors used any spare time they had to touch up some of the songs, write some more, and re-record the whole lot again. All this happened at a very natural and leisurely pace, and the final fifteen songs were mixed by John Brough in London in August 1998. Click on title to see tracklisting and view lyrics.
Track Listing:
1. Good News (3.04)
2. Sugartown (3.11)
3. Galway and Mayo (3.30)
4. Carry Me Away (4.07)
5. Heading for the Sunshine (2.34)
6. Catriona Tells lies (2.37)
7. Blah Blah Blah (2.34)
8. D'ya Wanna hear my Guitar? (2.24)
9. Joyce Country Ceili Band (3.44)
10. High Nellie
11. Best of Friends (2.33)
12. Will it ever stop Raining? (2.46)
13. Tommy K. (2.41)
14. Away with the Fairies (3.21)
15. I’ll be on my way (3.05)
Track Listing:
1. Good News (3.04)
2. Sugartown (3.11)
3. Galway and Mayo (3.30)
4. Carry Me Away (4.07)
5. Heading for the Sunshine (2.34)
6. Catriona Tells lies (2.37)
7. Blah Blah Blah (2.34)
8. D'ya Wanna hear my Guitar? (2.24)
9. Joyce Country Ceili Band (3.44)
10. High Nellie
11. Best of Friends (2.33)
12. Will it ever stop Raining? (2.46)
13. Tommy K. (2.41)
14. Away with the Fairies (3.21)
15. I’ll be on my way (3.05)